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Environmental Consulting

The environmental consulting we offer covers a wide range of services that go beyond water treatments. The description of some environmental consulting jobs that we offer as a company would be:

1. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA):

-Environmental impact assessment studies of development projects, construction or industrial activities.
-Provide recommendations to mitigate or compensate for possible negative impacts.
-Collaborate with companies and government entities to comply with local environmental regulations.

2. Environmental Audits:

-We carry out audits to evaluate companies' compliance with environmental regulations.
-Identify areas of improvement and propose strategies for sustainable resource management.

3. Waste Management:

-We develop solid and hazardous waste management plans.
-We advise companies on the implementation of recycling and waste reduction programs.

4. Environmental Monitoring:

-Establish monitoring programs to evaluate the quality of air, water and soil.
-Analyze data to identify trends and possible environmental problems.

5. Environmental Education:

-We develop educational programs to raise community awareness about environmental issues.
-Collaborate with educational institutions and companies to promote sustainable practices.

6. Ecological Restoration:

-We design and implement restoration projects for degraded ecosystems.
-We work on the conservation and protection of natural areas.

7. Environmental Certifications:

-Advise companies on obtaining environmental certifications such as ISO 14001.
-Collaborate in the implementation of sustainable and eco-friendly practices, in addition to the Blue Flag.

8. Environmental Research:

-We conduct scientific research to understand specific environmental problems.
-Contribute to the development of innovative solutions for environmental conservation.

9. Sustainable Urban Planning:

-We collaborate with local governments in planning sustainable and environmentally friendly cities.

10. Natural Resources Management:

-We develop strategies for the sustainable management of natural resources such as forests, agricultural soils and biodiversity.

By offering a wide range of environmental consulting services, you could address various environmental needs and challenges in Costa Rica, contributing to the country's sustainable development.

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